Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Vision of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell
“To build and ensure a quality culture aimed at all round excellence at the institutional level”
Mission of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell
“To channelize and systematize the efforts and measures of the institution towards academic and administrative excellence”
Objectives of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell
- To enhance the College with "Women Empowerment and Excellence".
- To achieve academic as well as administrative excellence through promoting and encouraging overall quality faculty development.
- To enhance and encouraging students for entrepreneurship & motivating them for social responsibility.
- Introducing innovative and creative ways in imparting knowledge and skill sets to promote academic excellence.
Quality Policy
We are committed to provide Excellent Quality Education in Commerce faculty as per Savitribai Phule Pune University norms to create best women citizen, and to satisfy the students and parents requirements through continuous improvements in Quality of Education Services.
The College Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been functioning actively of our Academic and Administrative activities. "Quality Policy" is the major objective of our IQAC through continuous monitoring and constant follow-up of undergoing activities.
The IQAC Cell continuously propose, promote, initiate and support quality measures in order to bring about improvement in the overall performance of the college. As a first cycle of NAAC, the policy decisions are taken and the activities are planned to enhance personality development and skill developments of students, capacity building of students and teaching and non-teaching staff.
IQAC Cell, in its meetings undertake several quality enhancement and quality assurance measures evolved through brain storming sessions to achieve desired outcomes. These new thoughts and ideas were implemented, reviewed and modified to get the best desired output for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institution.
All activities are implemented with suggestions and active support of all faculties as well as recommendation of business experts from local society. The mission of developing courage, confidence and competitiveness in the changing global scenario is achieved with innovative, creative and entrepreneurial skills, social awareness, human and ethical values and use of technology in teaching learning process.
IQAC Committee 2023-24

SC/ST Cell
About the cell
A special cell to look into the affairs of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students of the institution is constituted and functioning on the campus in accordance with the guidelines of the University Grants Commission.SC/ST Committee in the college promotes the special interests of students in the reserved category and provides inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties. The cell assures social equality via educational upliftment of the socially backward classes.
- Ensure the welfare of SC and ST students in the college.
- Guide students to optimally utilize the benefits of the schemes offered by UGC, Government of India and State Govt.
- Ensure the proper distribution of scholarships as per Government’s guidelines.
- Function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students and render necessary help in solving their personal, social and academic problems.
- To raise awareness of higher education opportunities among Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students, particularly those from rural areas.
- To make Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students aware of various scholarship programmes offered by the UGC, state governments, and the federal government.
Role of the Committee members
- The SC/ST Committee/Cell will monitor and endeavour to resolve issues / grievances relating to SC/ST students and staff at the Institution level.
- To collect reports and information of State Government and UGC’s orders on various aspects of education, employment of SC/ST Students.
- To circulate State Government and UGC’s decisions about different scholarship programs.
- To communicate with the students and motivate them for better future planning.
- The Cell works with a focus on students belonging to socially and economically backward groups to get opportunities to pursue their studies in higher educational institutions.
Responsibilities of the Committee members
- The SC/ST Committee/Cell will monitor and endeavour to resolve issues / grievances relating to SC/ST students and staff at the Institution level.
- The complaint if any will be forwarded to the said committee/ cell.
- The said committee/cell will look into the complaint and call the concerned complainant personally for hearing the grievance.
- The coordinator will forward their report in the sealed envelope to the principal within one week from the date of the receipt of complaint.
- Coordinator will prepare and maintain the record of work as per the guidelines
SC/ST Committee
- Principal Dr.YuvrajThorat - Chairperson
- Prof. Sursarita Tarlekar - Secretary
- Dr.Neha Puranik - Member
- Shri. Hari Solanki - Office Superintendent
OBC Cell
The OBC cell was established in the college with the aim of empowering the OBC students, assisting and guiding them in their curricular and co-curricular activities. The college has taken initiative, special interest in facilitating financial support to students from these communities from government agencies and other sources. The cell is always engaged to solve the various problems of OBC students.
Functions of the Cell (OBC)
- To aware the OBC students regarding various state and central government scholarships program.
- Counseling and guidance to OBC students about various issues and to help them to manage academic activities.
OBC Cell Committee
- Dr. Y. R. Thorat - Principal - Chairperson
- Dr. Gurunath Pawar - Secretary
- Prof. Mayuri Padhye - Member
Minority Cell
About the cell
The minority cell of the college is formed with the purpose of empowering the minority communities in the college. The aim of the Minority Cell is to empower the minority communities in the College and assist them in their curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The Cell has been set up to help minority students from the Christian, Muslim, Jain and other communities achieve holistic development.
- To make the minority students aware of the various scholarships schemes of the Central and State Governments.
- To encourage these students to enroll for courses, workshops, programs, etc. which the College offers students in an attempt to equip them with the skills needed for their careers.
- Affairs related to Minority students
Role and Responsibility of Committee
- Informing students of various scholarships available to them when they come for admission enquiry.
- Conducted workshops wherein students participated.
- Organized sports and games wherein students participated.
- Gathering and cultural activities where students participate, involve themselves, and volunteer.
Minority Committee
- Principal Dr. Yuvraj Thorat - Chairperson
- Dr. Rupali Sheth - Secretary
- Prof. Christina Dhende - Member
- Smita Salvi - Office Staff
Anti-Ragging Committee 2024-25
- Dr. Aruna Bhambare – Management Representative
- API Reshma Salunkhe – Police Officer, Vishrambaug Police Station
- Dr. Smita Pande – Officiating Principal
- Smt. Smita Salvi – Administrative Officer
- Dr. Asmita Kulkarni - Member
- Prof. Christina Dhende - Member
- Dr. Rupali Sheth - Member
- Miss Neha Jadhav – Student Representative
- Mr. Santosh Jadhav – Parent Representative
Anti-Ragging Squad Members 2024-25
- Dr. Asmita Kulkarni
- Prof. Christina Dhende
- Dr. Smita Pande
- Dr. Rupali Sheth
- Dr. Sursarita Tarlekar
Student Redressed Committee 2024-25
- Dr. Smita Pande - President
- Dr. Asmita Kulkarni - Member
- Prof. Christina Dhende - Member
Internal Complaint Committee ( ICC)
About the committee
Internal Complaint Committee is in existence in college, according to the POSH Act-Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace Act, 2013 and University Grants Commission Regulations, 2015. The POSH Act demanded an ICC be made at all workplaces for the redressal of sexual harassment cases. The purpose of the committee is to create a safe, friendly, supportive environment for staff and students of the college. The committee organises various programs to support our girl students. Counsellor is appointed to resolve problems of students and provide support services on our campus relating to family background, social issues, harassment of our students.Objectives of the committee
- To consider welfare of teaching and non teaching staff and students.
- To provide supportive measures to staff and students.
- To provide information regarding counselling.
- To take proactive measures towards sensitization of the faculty and students.
- To provide conducive environment and congenial atmosphere for women.
- To prevent sexual harassment at workplace.
Responsibilities of ICC
- To initiate an enquiry into the complaint of sexual harassment at the workplace.
- To help the students suffering from mental trauma and emotional distress due to any kind of harassment.
- To bring awareness about sexual harassment at workplace by way of workshop, posters, documents, notices, seminars.
- To provide the victims with safe and accessible mechanism of complaint.
- To adhere to the principles of natural justice in all cases.
- Whenever required, forward the complaint to the police.
- To maintain confidentiality regarding every case.
- To submit the enquiry report along with recommendations.
Members of the committee
- Dr. Smita Pande - Presiding Officer
- Hon. Smt. Lata Sonawane - NGO Representative
- Dr. Rupali Sheth - Member
- Dr Neha Puranik - Member
- Dr. Gurunath Pawar - Member
- Prof. Sursarita Tarlekar - Member
- Dr. Prashant Mohite - IQAC Member
Events/ meetings/workshops organized under the cell

College Development Committee 2023-24