MGE Society's

Huzurpaga Smt. Durgabai Mukunddas Lohiya

Mahila Vanijya Mahavidyalaya

(Formerly Huzurpaga Mahila Vanijya Mahavidyalaya)

*NAAC Accredited B++ Grade (2023)*

+91 20 2449 7538
691, Narayan peth,
Laxmi Road Pune 411030

Important Information

We follow Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) pattern as per Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) norms.

  1. A course in ‘Environmental Awareness’ is compulsory to all S. Y. B. Com. students. Passing this subject is necessary to acquire a degree certificate. Grades are awarded for this subject.
  2. Passing percentage in all subjects is 40%.
  3. ATKT rules are applicable according to the university norms.
  4. Internal examination for all subjects is done as per SPPU norms.
  5. Medical checkup is compulsory for the students of first year of all the faculties. Students who do not fulfill this condition will not be permitted to appear for annual examination.
  6. Students of first year B.Com. have to appear for a Physical Education Examination. Those who do not fulfill this condition will not be permitted to appear for the annual examination.
  7. Practicals are compulsory for certain subjects. A Viva-Voce is conducted for those subjects at the end of every semester.
  8. Project work and Add-on courses are compulsory for B.B.A./B.B.A.(CA) students as per SPPU norms.
  9. Add-on Courses and Internship is compulsory for B. Com students as per SPPU norms.

Exam Grievance Redressal

Huzurpaga Smt. Durgabai Mukunddas Lohia Mahila Vanijya Mahavidyalaya conducts university exam as per the instructions from SPPU. College Exam Committee, Chief Examination Officer along with principal and other teaching, administrative faculty ensures smooth conduct of the examination and internal assessment. If any grievance occurs, it is immediately considered and redressed. Following mechanism is set to deal with examination related different grievances. Grievances related to university examination For grievance related to University examination CEO collects application from student duly signed by Principal and forwards it to university. If grievance is related to revaluation of marks, student is supposed to fill online revaluation form on university website. Student gets Xerox copy of answer sheet of the concerned paper. After studying answer sheets, student can apply for verification and revaluation of answer sheet. The result of revaluation is given by the university within 30 days of the application. The grievances related to problem in submission of online examination forms and queries related to mistakes in hall tickets and mark sheets regarding name, course name, and programme name are resolved promptly by the CEO and office staff by communicating with university.

Grievances related to college examination

There is complete transparency in the internal assessment. Academic calendar for internal examination is prepared by College Examination Committee. College Examination Officer(CEO) monitors internal evaluation process. The student’s grievances related to internal examination are solved by College examination committee

  • Student have to approach CEO.
  • An application is to be submitted by the student to the examination department explaining their grievance.
  • The examination department on going through the application forwards it to the Principal.
  • The Principal in consultation with CEO, solve the grievance, and make the remark on the application which then comes back to the examination department.
  • After taking necessary steps, students are informed.
  • The process is completely transparent.

Grievance related to internal marks

The Examination Department also deals with mistakes/errors related to internal assessment of the students promptly. All internal examinations are conducted adhering to the norms of SPPU. Internal marks are given considering written examination, home assignment, PPT etc. The system of internal marks is very transparent. The students are given opportunity to redress their grievances concerning internal marks if any to the respective subject teacher. Any corrections in the total of marks or assessment of answer books are immediately done by the faculty members. We take signature of students on internal marks sheet.